Sunday, June 21, 2009


there is a quiet that i found today that i have been missing alot

Monday, June 15, 2009


Here is Pedro again. He has featured a few times in my pictures. A beautiful, snobby, stuck up yet naive cat who ran around our flat. Kate took this on a saturday morning from my bedroom while i was hanging out, with him on the stoep. A week or two later he got hit by a car. Then i got the film developed and a week later my camera fell off of a shelf and is broken

Thursday, June 11, 2009

that's me, in the distance, twinkling,

im in a different department, to anyone you think i'm inthomas took a picture of me, i couldn't even remember this day, until now
naff innit

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Hello friends
Hit a bit of a frustrating time a few weeks ago.
Got very irritatable and swore alot.
So i went walking in the mountains behind town
Walked down this freezing, wet path
Climbed up onto a trainHung around in these huts that littered the placeTook some photographs
And saw some twisted metal laying around

I bought some proper film yesterday. Im sick of wierd, untrustworthy Superia.
Hello Mr Porta 160 NC

Monday, June 8, 2009

Voigtländer Bessa III

Via Voigtländer.
Oh man, i want.....
The BESSA III is a high portable, folding bellows camera that allows extremely high-quality images to be taken using a high-performance lens unit. The camera is equipped with an unique mechanism for switching between to film formats.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Do you get a free drink with that?

Gettin older is getting easier my friend
Happy Birthday to the whitest girl alive
Somewhere in Woodstock at some dodgy gatsby shop
Olympus Trip 35 / Superia 400 / f 2.8 at 40s / no flash