Hi! Been a longish time since i put anything on here. Why? Because Im a very busy/lazy person.
This is a bad combination if you ask me, I have experience in this.
Anyway, my internet friend/reality friend/interesting maker of things person,
Lauren, has provided me with something to kickstart stuff off again! Tah!
So im supposed to list 7 things that I love and then list 7 bloggers i know,who must do the same
Seven things I love (in no particular order)
1. Autumn (the light is nice, no wind, warm sun, fun surf, good for cycling)
2. Making photographs which aren't digital (waiting, surprises, grain, nicer colours, light leaks)
3. The ground-coffee that my Dad makes
4. Lying around, being lazy in Little Belarus with a certain, pretty dark-haired girl
5. Drawing and drawing and drawing
6. Waking up really early and going for a surf before anyone else is out yet in the dark
7. A sunday afternoon chess game with a Dylan LP on the record player
This picture is a combination of numbers 1 and 2And here are my 7 friends to do the same
1. http://www.myluckyundiesarered.blogspot.com
2. http://www.roxannejean.blogspot.com
3. http://www.watermelonpip.blogspot.com
4. http://www.whiteliesseeingred.blogspot.com
5. http://www.sheepalign.blogspot.com
6. http://www.senyol.blogspot.com
7. http://machinesandengineers.blogspot.com/
Another picture. Both these pictures are square crops from 35mm photos, from a top-secret, on-going project that I'm busy working on. More about that later maybe
All Nighter # 104Rad! More stuff soon!