Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Here's to the band that never was, but was the best we ever knew

Stronger Than during their last ever live performance at the Hidden Cellar
on the 30th of January 2009. They were always entertaining, often fun and sometimes just plain awe-inspiring. What a bummer that they couldn't have stuck it out,
they really had something going towards the end of it.
Taken with my Nikon Fm, probably at f2.8, 1/30th of a second, no flash, no post processing on Fuji Superia 400.

(p.s. If you get the joke with the post-title, mail me for your awesome secret prize!)



lobotics said...

didn't they have a song "here's to the romance that never was, but was the best i ever knew" or something?

highart/lowlife said...

almost, almost...

Anonymous said...

haha!'here's to the relationship that never was, but was the best i ever had"!

haha! if..!

lobotics said...

Ah, close enough. Franco is disqualified by virtue of having been in the band.